Well the past 24hours certainly have been interesting. Shortly after I updated my blog yesterday we ran into a pretty large failure with the car. Here’s a watered down version of what happened:
“The team was getting ready to practice Skid-Pad, an event at competition Right as they launched the car it made a “popppp” sound. Shortly after that we noticed the left rear axle had failed. To this point we are still unsure what exactly caused the failure. Luckily we have packed spare axles, but unfortunately we will have to finish machining it before it can be used on the racecar. “
Anyway… after assessing the problem the team packed up shop around 9pm and headed to a local restaurant, hence the title Opa! If you haven’t figured it out yet, it was a Greek restaurant. The food was very good, and they gave us free shots of ouzo. surprise...surprise.
By the time our waiter divvied our checks its was already 11:30pm. Yawn! But Germany the night had just begun. So we sat at a dinner table for 15 minutes trying to understand the “game plan” our German friends were scheming. This has been the hardest transition thus far. Part way through a conversation our friends well change their language and we are immediately lost. Anyway before I get too far off topic you can imagine what we did next… headed back to the university for a long night of board games: Monopoly, scrabble, Catch Phrase, ect… Cough. Cough. Cough.
Thats all for now!
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